Despite being mostly uninhabitable to humans, the Lotsa Heart System is one of the more desirable series of planets to visit in the Wanderverse, as they are all inhabited entirely by majestic creatures. With the right equipment plus a little knowledge of the locals and the terrain, you can unlock some hidden secrets to see some of the galaxy's most wondrous creatures in all their glory.
In addition to tourism, the peaceful planets within the Lotsa Heart system attract all types and are even a temporary safe haven for smugglers, outcasts, escaped convicts, and even other-worldly beings that know their way around and are looking to lay low for a little while. For most, the Lotsa Heart System is among the friendliest you will find and is a pleasant escape from the everyday grind of survival. Be careful though, it is said that those who dare mistreat the natives or disrespect their sacred land are dealt with in an unspeakable manner.
Known planets in the Lotsa Heart System:
Newman: One of the most peaceful planets in the Wanderverse. As the stories go, the planet's most beloved creature was a pure white cat, named Newman, who brought joy to all. He was a friend to everyone and everything that ever touched his planet's grounds. A wise cat that overcame challenge after challenge and provided lessons in perseverance while maintaining his love of life and passion for fun. When his time had come to pass on, he made one last sacrifice and pledged to protect his planet from beyond. As his eyes closed for the final time, his entire being slowly dissipated before turning into a glowing beam that shot through the atmosphere and formed a radiant white ring around the entire planet. All the universe believes that when an animal passes they join Newman's bond around the planet and continue to keep watch for those below.
Erinaceous: The glowing petroglyphs taunt the Wanderers from afar. It's challenging to navigate to, but the many mysteries of this planet must be solved. Most believe who...or what we uncover here could be life-changing. Some claim to have seen hedgehogs… in socks, but others say that's just a tall tale to entertain the children at story time. Are you brave enough to try find your way to Erinaceous and unlock the secrets that it holds?
Mazzone: Mostly a dark void only the desperate dare travel to. Stories say someone lives in the caves atop the impossible to traverse snowy mountains. Some believe it's a powerful all-knowing being that watches over all the planets of the LotsaHeart System ensuring everything is in harmony and properly taken care of, others believe it's just a nerd collecting jpgs. Why not both?
There are many more planets in the Lotsa Heart System that have yet to be discovered. As we learn more, updates will be posted.
In honor of Newman and all the other furry companions that have touched the lives of so many people, all proceeds from visitors to the planets in the LotsaHeart System are donated to animal rescues and sanctuaries on planet Earth.